Courtney and Jay

Courtney and Jay are the parents of Kalyana and Alyra. Kalyana was born with Trisomy 13. She died shortly before her first birthday at Roger Neilson House in Ottawa.
My daughter Kalyana's diagnosis
We learned all we could and asked challenging questions
Moving from NICU to a children's hospice was very difficult to accept
The first time we had to do CPR
We were always prepared with a DNR
When strangers approach you
Moving through grief one day at a time
It took us time to bury Kalyana's ashes
Alera will always know she has a big sister
Giving birth to our second daughter
I think about her every day
I was relieved that she was no longer suffering
A red carpet goodbye to my daughter
Kalyana died at the children's hospice
Kalyana's last days:Learning to care for our daughter at home
A hockey experience