
Carla Garrett is the mom of twins, Xavier and Mackenzie. Xavier was diagnosed with brain cancer when he was 8 months old, and died shortly before his eighth birthday. Carla and her husband Mark wrote and illustrated a book for children who are dying, called “My Love Will Follow You There.”
Being open with the kids about Xavier’s diagnosis
Talking to Xavier about his brain tumour and about dying
Getting through the shock of Xavier’s diagnosis
Grieving the childhood that Xavier would never have
Xavier’s grief
Caring for Xavier’s twin sister
Sibling moments stung a bit more
Mackenzie wanted to be there when her brother died
Celebrating Mackenzie and Xavier’s birthday
7 years of ups and downs
Reaching out for family counselling
Hope stays with us
Memory making
A photograph that I treasure
Being a mom and a caregiver
Xavier told us when he didn’t want any more treatment
Palliative care was like having a warm blanket wrapped around us
Xavier wanted to die at home
Xavier’s death was peaceful
I was initially afraid of Xavier dying at home
Grieving other losses
Xavier’s room and belongings