Care at the End of Life
After your child dies, your life will be very different. There are practical things you have to do right away, and other things you may do days or weeks later. It can help to find ways to remember and honour your child while they are still alive or long into the future.
End of Life Care
Signs, symptoms, and what to expect
Like life, death is unique. However, a team experienced in end-of-life care who knows and understands your child, their health status, and your family can help prepare you for the end of a life.
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Choosing a location for your child’s end-of-life care
The end of a child’s life is a precious and sacred time. These moments remain with family members, and many times with their health care providers, forever. One of the most important decisions that families may make is choosing a location for end-of-life care.
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Things to consider when preparing for end of life at home
Because care focused on comfort can usually be achieved in any setting, many families choose to stay at home as their child's end of life nears. Being at home during this time allows all members of the family to be together in a setting that is familiar and most comfortable for all. With proper planning and supports facilitated by the palliative care team, families are able to remain at home for as long as it feels like the right place to be, including up to the moment of a child's last breath.
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Planning end-of-life care in rural or remote communities
When your home and community are far away from a major care centre, you may face extra challenges in planning end-of-life care.
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Spending time with others
As your child nears the end of life, it will comfort them to spend time with the people who are important to them. Being together will also help siblings, friends and relatives deal with the approaching death. This section talks about some ways you might prepare visitors and help your child.
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Care After the Death
What to do when a child dies
When your child dies, there are lots of things you have to do and organize. Although it’s hard, it’s helpful to make some plans before your child dies. Here are some things to think about before the death, immediately after the death, and days or weeks later.
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Planning a funeral or memorial service
Planning a funeral or memorial service for your child may feel like an impossible task. It may also feel like an important thing you can do for your child in this time of loss.
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Legacy making
Honouring your child
There are many ways to honour your child while they are still alive or long into the future. Here are some ideas:
- Plan activities or legacies
- Choose special days to remember your child
- Talk about your child’s wishes
- Talk about your child’s legacy